How To Write a Press Release That Will Get You Featured In Media Online

1 year ago 509


Writing a press release is a great way to get your business, product or service in front of the right people. A well-written press release can help you build your brand and attract new customers. But if you don't know how to write a compelling headline, use photos and video effectively, and include social media links all while spelling correctly then writing this type of content will be difficult for you! In this article we'll discuss everything from what makes up a good press release format that gets featured online by sites such as Buzzfeed or TechCrunch to how best make connections with journalists who might want to write about your story once they've read it first hand (or second).

Understand the purpose of a press release

A press release is an official announcement of something that has happened. The purpose of a press release is to inform the public, generate interest in your company or product, and get media coverage.

press release template are used to communicate with journalists who write articles about what you've done or are planning on doing. They're also useful for reaching out to potential clients who may want to hear more about your services or products.

Write a great headline

Your headline is the first thing people will read, so it's important to get it right. A good headline should be short and sweet, with no more than 30 words, but not too short or too long. A good headline uses keywords that people will search for when they read your press release (e.g., "How To Write A Press Release That Will Get You Featured In Media Online"). It's also best if the headline has an active voice—that is, it starts in present tense ("I'm going"), not past ("I wrote") or future ("I will write"). Finally, keep in mind that headlines shouldn't be too long or short; make sure there's enough room for readers' attention spans!

Tell your story in the first paragraph

The first paragraph is where you'll share your story. You should use the inverted pyramid style and include the following things:

  • Tell us who you are, what you do and why someone should care (your company mission statement)

  • Share a quote from a customer or team member that illustrates how they feel about working with you (it can be short but make sure it's relevant)

Other than that, keep it simple!

Include photos and/or video

Photos and/or video are a great way to showcase your story. They can be used to illustrate the points you're making, provide additional information about the topic or product being discussed, or even just add some fun flair to your media release template.

If you've got photos or video of yourself that help tell your story better than words alone could do (think: selfies), by all means include them! You might also consider using some animated GIFs—they're not only funny but also add another dimension of interest for readers who aren't looking at text alone.

Include social media links

Include social media links to your accounts, including the landing page where people can find more information about you. Also include a link to a press kit or other resources that would be useful in covering your story.

Finally, make sure you have an email address and phone number in the footer of your press release so reporters can contact you directly if they have questions about what went into creating this piece or need more proof of its legitimacy.

Provide essential contact information

  • Provide essential contact information for the press release

  • Contact information for the business or organization

  • Contact information for the person who wrote the press release (if applicable)

  • Contact information for any additional people who will be available to answer questions about your product or service, such as a representative from sales or marketing, if applicable; this could be helpful if you have multiple companies in one line of business that share similar products/services with customers interested in them (i.e., an online retailer might also sell physical goods). This is especially important if one company has a direct relationship with customers who want more information about buying something from another company which may not otherwise be available via their website directly but instead only through social media channels where users share links between merchants without necessarily knowing whom they're talking about specifically beforehand

Double-check your spelling and grammar

There's no reason you should ever have to edit a sample press release template, but it's always good to double-check for typos and grammatical errors. While some people may be fine with ignoring these things as long as their submission is perfect, others will find this approach disrespectful of the journalism industry and its readership.

When writing your press release, make sure that all of your spelling and grammar are correct. Don't use text speak or slang—even if it makes sense in conversation (e.g., "lolz" instead of "lots"), it won't look professional when trying to get noticed by journalists online who want nothing more than accurate information about what they're reporting on at any given moment in time! Likewise, don't use abbreviations unless they're well known words like "UPS."

If there are any emoticons used in your text (such as :-)), replace them with appropriate punctuation marks: exclamation points (!); question marks (?)); commas [;] semicolons ;-)).

Use your network to make connections

You can use your network to make connections, but don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Ask your friends and colleagues if they could help you. Ask them if they know someone who would be interested in hearing about the press release you have written or published online. Ask them if they have any contacts at media websites who might be able to feature it on their site or blog post.

If you are working with a PR agency, ask them if they can get in touch with some media contacts on your behalf and see how that goes – there is no harm asking!

You can write press releases that are effective.

Writing a press release that will get you featured in media online is important because it allows you to tell your story, share your expertise and build a relationship with the person reading your message.

Press releases are great because they're short and easy to read, which means they can be read by anyone who comes across them—and those people may be influential enough to spread the word about what you've done or said.


We hope this guide has given you a good foundation to start writing your own event press release template. The key is to be creative and think outside the box. Make sure that your press release is unique, informative, and well-written so that reporters know it’s worth their time to read it!

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